When we take notes on information we hear over the phone, we often need to write down the information quickly. The use of abbreviations is a helpful strategy while taking messages.
Task 1.
Write the full word or expression (or meaning) beside each abbreviation below. Add other abbreviations (and their meanings) you commonly use or would like to know the meaning of. Share them with the class.
1. AGM - Annual general meeting
2. apt - appartment
3. asap - As soon as posible
4. co. - company
5. ext - extension
6. FYI - For your information
7. inv. - invoice
8. mo. month
9. no. or # - number
10. mt - meeting
11. N/A - Not Applicable
12. impt. - importent
13. RSVP - please reply
14. ste. - suite
15. urg. - urgent
16. w/ - with
17. w/o - without
18. cc. - carbon copy
19. e.g. - for exemple ()
20. Bcc - Blind carbon copy
20. Bcc - Blind carbon copy
21. etc. - etcetera (so an)
22. i.e. - id est (that is)
23. vs. - versus
24. p.s. - post script ( after writing)
25. n.b. - nota bene (take notes)
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